Monday, May 17, 2010

What Are They Selling Now?

"Today you'll be amazed to learn of a new treatment,which involves no unwanted medications, that has showed great promise for patients with ADHD" That was the opening statement mentioned by the main speaker.

As a parent with a child who has ADHD, I try to be up to date with all the treatments, whether medicinal of other wise. So, as soon as I saw an advertisement for a lecture to introduce a new treatment, I was very excited.

The event was held at a library. I informed the organizer of the event about this blog, and the assignment that I had to do for class, which involves covering an event related to ADHD. Unfortunately, I was told that I may not use any official names in this post. All the names that will be presented are fictional, but the event is real.

As I step into the library, I saw familiar faces. Not of people that I knew, but mothers and parents who came looking for hope, like me. Smiling and over exuberant faces emerged all around. There was a nice refreshment table so that everyone can converse until the main speaker was ready to begin.

As I circled the room, I talked to other parents. It is invigorating to talk to others who can relate, to the struggles and anguish.

The speaker is Dr. Jane (This is a fictional name, I will not reveal the real name) She talked for a half hour strait, about the hope, and the ultimate solution to all our problems, yet she never mentioned once what she was offering. Restless, I became sceptical. It is always my opinion that If someone truly believed in something, they would come out and say it. This Dr. was circling.

Finally, after an hour of talk she reveals their break through method to treating ADHD. Meditation! Yes, their break through is meditation. I'm a firm believer in meditations and what it can do to the mind, but either this Dr. never saw a child with ADHD or she is mad.

I would love to see how she expects to have my son sit still for more than 2min. Looking around the room I realized that I wasn't the only person with doubt. Someone came around and gave us some pamphlets, to better explain the presses. The first thought that came to my mind was a Monk Sanctuary form the pictures on the pamphlet. Hands were raised immediately with questions. I stayed quiet trying to determine if it was just me being sceptical or not. Apparently not.

Some started walking out after the Dr. started giving vague answers on how they plan to get the children to sit still long enough. Others walked out after hearing the price. I was one of those people. About $5000 for the first 6 weeks. Those 6 weeks are only the beginning of a year long process.

After a room full with about 30 parents, by the time I left there was only about 5. I guess five is better than nothing. Who knows maybe there is some truth to meditation as a form of treatment, but It's not for my son; for one thing we can't afford it.

This is was on PBS on Meditation

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